Choosing an International School

Choosing an International School

Are you interested in sending your children to an  international school in malaysia ? Do you want to find out more about local schools and decide if they are right for your children? This blog post will tell you about international schools in Malaysia and how to choose the right one for your child.

Which International School To Choose?

There are many international schools in Malaysia. It's important to do your research and find out which one is right for your child. Here are some tips to help you make the right decision:

The Cost Of Living

One of the main things you need to consider is the cost of living in Malaysia. This can vary but tends to be higher than in other parts of Southeast Asia. For example, rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in Kuala Lumpur is about US$1000 per month. If you are looking to save money, Malaysia isn't the best place to do it. However, if you are willing to pay more you can get a 2 bedroom apartment for about US$1500 or a 3 bedroom house for about US$2000.

The Language Barrier

Another important consideration is the language barrier. If your children are afraid of speaking English, it can be hard for them to integrate into society. One of the best ways to deal with this is by sending them to an English-taught school. There are many such schools in Malaysia and they are highly regarded internationally. If your children are happy with the English they learn and don't feel they need to improve their speaking skills, it might not be such a bad idea to send them to an English-taught school. But, if integration into the English-speaking world is a priority for you and your family, it might be best to look for a native-taught school.


It's important to have good facilities when choosing an international school. If you have a clear idea of what features matter to you, like a pool or a gym, you'll be able to choose an option that has them. If you're looking for a school that is close to your house and has good facilities, it's probably best to look at smaller schools.


Another important consideration is the curriculum. Every country has unique education requirements and many international schools put a lot of emphasis on preparing your children for the outside world. If you know what subjects your child enjoys learning about, it will be easy to choose a curriculum that has them. However, if you are open to other subjects, it might be best to look at a school that offers a variety of courses.


If you're looking for a school that's close to your home, it's important to consider the transportation. There are many options for getting to and from school, so it's important to choose one that you and your children are comfortable with. If you have a car, it might be best to look at schools that are on the outskirts of the city so you can drive them to school. If public transportation is available, it's usually reliable and comfortable.


Finally, it's important to consider the security of the location you choose. If you have a clear idea of what you're looking for in terms of security, this will make it easier for you to choose an option that meets your needs. For example, if you want a safe environment for your children to grow up in, it might be best to look for a school within a gated community or a protected campus.

There are many reasons why people choose to send their children to an international school. It can be a conscious decision to expose them to new experiences. Perhaps the parent works remotely and feels it's important for their children to get English-speaking friends. Maybe the parent is from a different country and feels that English-taught education will be useful when they return home. Whatever the reason, international schools in Malaysia offer a diverse range of courses and a chance to learn about another culture.